Special Article: Case Report

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CellMed 2023; 13(11): 4.1-4.4

Published online August 31, 2023


© Cellmed Orthocellular Medicine and Pharmaceutical Association

세포교정영양요법(OCNT)을 이용한 급성 아토피 피부염 개선 사례 연구

황해연 약사

서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 4길 46, B 140호 이로운 약국

A Case Study on the Improvement of Acute Atopic Dermatitis Using Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT)

Pharmacist, Hae yeon Hwang

Iroun pharmacy, 46, Teheran-ro 4-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Correspondence to : *Hae yeon Hwang
E-mail: novica74@naver.com

Received: August 28, 2023; Accepted: August 2, 2023

Objective: A case report on the improvement of acute atopic dermatiti using Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT).
Methods: A teenage Korean male was suffering from acute atopic dermatitis.
Results: Acute atopic dermatitis improved after performing OCNT.
Conclusion: OCNT can be helpful in the treatment of patients with acute atopic dermatitis.

Keywords Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT), acute atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema) is a chronic relapsing and secretory inflammatory skin disease. Atopic dermatitis occurs when an immune regulation disorder, epidermal gene mutation, and environmental factors disturb the epithelium by interacting with each other to cause severe pruritic skin lesions.

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends the use of topical corticosteroids as a first-line treatment and topical corticosteroids may be used in combination with pimecrolimus and tacrolimus. Ultraviolet light therapy is used for severe atopic dermatitis in which first-line treatment is considered to be not sufficient, and anti-staphylococcus aureus is known to be effective in treating second-line skin infections. Drugs that have been approved by the FDA such as crisaborole and dupilumab are effective in treating atopic dermatitis, but they are considered expensive for most patients. The subject of this case used antihistamines and steroid ointments due to atopic dermatitis developed while studying abroad in Germany, but they were ineffective. After the performance of OCNT, atopic dermatitis improved, and this case report is provided with the consent of the patient.

1. Target

It targeted one patient with atopic dermatitis.

1)Name: O O O (M/17 years old)

2)Diagnosis: Acute atopic dermatitis

3)Date of Onset: Mid-Dec. 2022

4)Treatment Period: Feb. 14, 2023 - current (ongoing)

5)Chief Complaint: Itching, generalized rash, genital itching

6)Past History: Benign brain tumor

7)Social History: None

8)Family History: Maternal autoimmune disease, diabetes, hyperlipidemia. Paternal hypersensitivity colitis

9) Current medication: None

2. Method

The OCNT was performed in accordance with the following method.

Viva Kan (101, twice a day, one tablet per dose) Eufaplex (303, twice a day, three tablets per dose) Amiplex, Aqua SAC Pure, Sugar Fiber, Betaplex, Collaplex, and Bioplex are mixed like a shake and ingested as a meal replacement twice a day.

For external use, Cyaplex Balm was generally used, and an appropriate amount of Cyaplex Balm and Sulfoplex Cream was applied to infected sites with severe symptoms.

The patient of this case suddenly developed atopic dermatitis in mid-Dec. 2022 (Fig. 1A). There was a rash throughout the entire body and it was severely itchy. However, the patient showed improvement after 15 days of nutritional therapy, and after a month, the rash and itching throughout the entire body were relieved and the skin was cleared (Fig. 1B).

Fig. 1. Comparison of the patient's condition before and after undergoing OCNT. (A) The patient's condition before undergoing OCNT (B) The patient's current condition after undergoing OCNT

The patient is a teenage male who used antihistamines and steroid ointments due to atopic dermatitis developed while studying abroad in Germany, but they were ineffective. While living in a dormitory, he ate school meals that were mostly meat-based diets and most menus included french fries, snacks, bread, soda, and jelly. Therefore, it was thought that there would be an antigen of atopic disease in consumed food, so Amiplex, Aqua SAC Pure, Sugar Fiber, Betaplex, Collaplex, and Bioplex were mixed like a shake and ingested as a meal replacement twice a day instead of a regular meal, and tomatoes and salads, plenty of fruit, and water instead of soda were recommended as his general diet. For controls other than meals, it was recommended to take a walk twice a day, get sunlight frequently, drink enough water, and get enough sleep.

The patient was born by caesarean section and experienced many difficulties in maintaining a balanced intestinal microbiome.1,2 He lived in an environment where the balance of gut microbiome is easily disturbed as a student studying abroad since his childhood.

The gut microbiome serves to regulate the immune system and respond to autoantigens throughout one’s life, and an imbalance in the gut microbiome can weaken immune regulation, such as allergy, autoimmunity, and inflammatory disorders.3

At the same time, an excessive inflammatory reaction caused by COVID-19 and the generation of reactive oxygen species led to the development of atopic dermatitis, resulting in the patient’s weakened immunity.4

In consideration of the aforementioned matters, the goal aims to strengthen the patient's immunity and control skin and gut microbes to eliminate inflammation and improve the skin barrier.5

The amino acids contained in Amiplex promote wound healing, repair damaged skin, and maintain an appropriate skin microbiomey,6 and the collagen contained in Collaplex exhibits therapeutic benefits by suppressing Type 2 allergic inflammation involved in atopic dermatitis.7 β-glucan contained in Betaplex activates the complement system and enhances immune defense by strengthening the functions of macrophages and natural killer cells (NK cells).8

Omega-3 contained in Eufaplex has various anti-inflammatory and immune modulating effects.9 Post-synbiotics in Bioplex show a positive effect on the clinical condition of adult patients with atopic dermatitis, which helps to reduce itching and relevant severity.10 Lastly, Sugar Fiber was recommended to safely supply sugar, which is an energy source, to patients in their adolescence.

Since atopic dermatitis developed in the patient is an acute inflammatory reaction, efforts were made to reduce the inflammatory reaction during the OCNT, and positive results were shown in line with the intention to restrict the diet to a formula to block additional antigens, which satisfied both the patient and the family.

As this is a single case study, the findings may not be universally applicable to all patients with atopic dermatitis. However, it is reported with the patient's consent as a case that has shown improvement in symptoms.

  1. Jakobsson, H. E. et al. Decreased gut microbiota diversity, delayed Bacteroidetes colonisation and reduced Th1 responses in infants delivered by caesarean section. Gut 63, 559 566 (2014).
    Pubmed CrossRef
  2. Shaterian, N., Abdi, F., Ghavidel, N. & Alidost, F. Role of cesarean section in the devel opment of neonatal gut microbiota: A systematic review. Open Medicine 16, 624 639 (2021).
    Pubmed KoreaMed CrossRef
  3. D’Amelio, P. & Sassi, F. Gut microbiota, immune system, and bone. Calcified tissue international 102, 415 425 (2018).
    Pubmed CrossRef
  4. Wenzhong, L. & Hualan, L. COVID 19: captures iron and generates reactive oxygen species to damage the human immune system. Autoimmunity 54, 213 224 (2021).
    Pubmed KoreaMed CrossRef
  5. Seite, S. & Bieber, T. 479 483 (Taylor & Francis, 2015).
    Pubmed KoreaMed CrossRef
  6. Solano, F. Metabolism and functions of amino acids in the skin. Amino Acids in Nutrition and Health: Amino acids in systems function and health , 187 199 (2020).
    Pubmed CrossRef
  7. Hakuta, A. et al. Anti inflammatory effect of collagen tripeptide in atopic dermatitis. Journal of dermatological science 88, 357 364 (2017).
    Pubmed CrossRef
  8. Akramienė, D., Kondrotas, A. A., Didžiapetrienė, J. & Kėvelaitis, E. Effects of ß glucans on the immune system. Medicina 43, 597 (2007).
    Pubmed CrossRef
  9. Mori, T. A. & Beilin, L. J. Omega 3 fatty acids and inflammation. Current atherosclerosis reports 6, 461 467 (2004).
    Pubmed CrossRef
  10. Noli, C., Varina, A., Barbieri, C., Pirola, A. & Olivero, D. Analysis of Intestinal Microbiota and Metabolic Pathways before and after a 2 Month Long Hydrolyzed Fish and Rice Starch Hypoallergenic Diet Trial in Pruritic Dogs. Veterinary Sciences 10, 478 (2023).
    Pubmed KoreaMed CrossRef


Case Report

CellMed 2023; 13(11): 4.1-4.4

Published online August 31, 2023 https://doi.org/10.5667/CellMed.spc.041

Copyright © Cellmed Orthocellular Medicine and Pharmaceutical Association.

세포교정영양요법(OCNT)을 이용한 급성 아토피 피부염 개선 사례 연구

황해연 약사

서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 4길 46, B 140호 이로운 약국

Received: August 28, 2023; Accepted: August 2, 2023

A Case Study on the Improvement of Acute Atopic Dermatitis Using Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT)

Pharmacist, Hae yeon Hwang

Iroun pharmacy, 46, Teheran-ro 4-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Correspondence to:*Hae yeon Hwang
E-mail: novica74@naver.com

Received: August 28, 2023; Accepted: August 2, 2023


Objective: A case report on the improvement of acute atopic dermatiti using Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT).
Methods: A teenage Korean male was suffering from acute atopic dermatitis.
Results: Acute atopic dermatitis improved after performing OCNT.
Conclusion: OCNT can be helpful in the treatment of patients with acute atopic dermatitis.

Keywords: Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT), acute atopic dermatitis


Atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema) is a chronic relapsing and secretory inflammatory skin disease. Atopic dermatitis occurs when an immune regulation disorder, epidermal gene mutation, and environmental factors disturb the epithelium by interacting with each other to cause severe pruritic skin lesions.

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends the use of topical corticosteroids as a first-line treatment and topical corticosteroids may be used in combination with pimecrolimus and tacrolimus. Ultraviolet light therapy is used for severe atopic dermatitis in which first-line treatment is considered to be not sufficient, and anti-staphylococcus aureus is known to be effective in treating second-line skin infections. Drugs that have been approved by the FDA such as crisaborole and dupilumab are effective in treating atopic dermatitis, but they are considered expensive for most patients. The subject of this case used antihistamines and steroid ointments due to atopic dermatitis developed while studying abroad in Germany, but they were ineffective. After the performance of OCNT, atopic dermatitis improved, and this case report is provided with the consent of the patient.


1. Target

It targeted one patient with atopic dermatitis.

1)Name: O O O (M/17 years old)

2)Diagnosis: Acute atopic dermatitis

3)Date of Onset: Mid-Dec. 2022

4)Treatment Period: Feb. 14, 2023 - current (ongoing)

5)Chief Complaint: Itching, generalized rash, genital itching

6)Past History: Benign brain tumor

7)Social History: None

8)Family History: Maternal autoimmune disease, diabetes, hyperlipidemia. Paternal hypersensitivity colitis

9) Current medication: None

2. Method

The OCNT was performed in accordance with the following method.

Viva Kan (101, twice a day, one tablet per dose) Eufaplex (303, twice a day, three tablets per dose) Amiplex, Aqua SAC Pure, Sugar Fiber, Betaplex, Collaplex, and Bioplex are mixed like a shake and ingested as a meal replacement twice a day.

For external use, Cyaplex Balm was generally used, and an appropriate amount of Cyaplex Balm and Sulfoplex Cream was applied to infected sites with severe symptoms.


The patient of this case suddenly developed atopic dermatitis in mid-Dec. 2022 (Fig. 1A). There was a rash throughout the entire body and it was severely itchy. However, the patient showed improvement after 15 days of nutritional therapy, and after a month, the rash and itching throughout the entire body were relieved and the skin was cleared (Fig. 1B).

Figure 1. Comparison of the patient's condition before and after undergoing OCNT. (A) The patient's condition before undergoing OCNT (B) The patient's current condition after undergoing OCNT


The patient is a teenage male who used antihistamines and steroid ointments due to atopic dermatitis developed while studying abroad in Germany, but they were ineffective. While living in a dormitory, he ate school meals that were mostly meat-based diets and most menus included french fries, snacks, bread, soda, and jelly. Therefore, it was thought that there would be an antigen of atopic disease in consumed food, so Amiplex, Aqua SAC Pure, Sugar Fiber, Betaplex, Collaplex, and Bioplex were mixed like a shake and ingested as a meal replacement twice a day instead of a regular meal, and tomatoes and salads, plenty of fruit, and water instead of soda were recommended as his general diet. For controls other than meals, it was recommended to take a walk twice a day, get sunlight frequently, drink enough water, and get enough sleep.

The patient was born by caesarean section and experienced many difficulties in maintaining a balanced intestinal microbiome.1,2 He lived in an environment where the balance of gut microbiome is easily disturbed as a student studying abroad since his childhood.

The gut microbiome serves to regulate the immune system and respond to autoantigens throughout one’s life, and an imbalance in the gut microbiome can weaken immune regulation, such as allergy, autoimmunity, and inflammatory disorders.3

At the same time, an excessive inflammatory reaction caused by COVID-19 and the generation of reactive oxygen species led to the development of atopic dermatitis, resulting in the patient’s weakened immunity.4

In consideration of the aforementioned matters, the goal aims to strengthen the patient's immunity and control skin and gut microbes to eliminate inflammation and improve the skin barrier.5

The amino acids contained in Amiplex promote wound healing, repair damaged skin, and maintain an appropriate skin microbiomey,6 and the collagen contained in Collaplex exhibits therapeutic benefits by suppressing Type 2 allergic inflammation involved in atopic dermatitis.7 β-glucan contained in Betaplex activates the complement system and enhances immune defense by strengthening the functions of macrophages and natural killer cells (NK cells).8

Omega-3 contained in Eufaplex has various anti-inflammatory and immune modulating effects.9 Post-synbiotics in Bioplex show a positive effect on the clinical condition of adult patients with atopic dermatitis, which helps to reduce itching and relevant severity.10 Lastly, Sugar Fiber was recommended to safely supply sugar, which is an energy source, to patients in their adolescence.

Since atopic dermatitis developed in the patient is an acute inflammatory reaction, efforts were made to reduce the inflammatory reaction during the OCNT, and positive results were shown in line with the intention to restrict the diet to a formula to block additional antigens, which satisfied both the patient and the family.

As this is a single case study, the findings may not be universally applicable to all patients with atopic dermatitis. However, it is reported with the patient's consent as a case that has shown improvement in symptoms.

Fig 1.

Figure 1.Comparison of the patient's condition before and after undergoing OCNT. (A) The patient's condition before undergoing OCNT (B) The patient's current condition after undergoing OCNT
CellMed 2023; 13: 4.1-4.4https://doi.org/10.5667/CellMed.spc.041


  1. Jakobsson, H. E. et al. Decreased gut microbiota diversity, delayed Bacteroidetes colonisation and reduced Th1 responses in infants delivered by caesarean section. Gut 63, 559 566 (2014).
    Pubmed CrossRef
  2. Shaterian, N., Abdi, F., Ghavidel, N. & Alidost, F. Role of cesarean section in the devel opment of neonatal gut microbiota: A systematic review. Open Medicine 16, 624 639 (2021).
    Pubmed KoreaMed CrossRef
  3. D’Amelio, P. & Sassi, F. Gut microbiota, immune system, and bone. Calcified tissue international 102, 415 425 (2018).
    Pubmed CrossRef
  4. Wenzhong, L. & Hualan, L. COVID 19: captures iron and generates reactive oxygen species to damage the human immune system. Autoimmunity 54, 213 224 (2021).
    Pubmed KoreaMed CrossRef
  5. Seite, S. & Bieber, T. 479 483 (Taylor & Francis, 2015).
    Pubmed KoreaMed CrossRef
  6. Solano, F. Metabolism and functions of amino acids in the skin. Amino Acids in Nutrition and Health: Amino acids in systems function and health , 187 199 (2020).
    Pubmed CrossRef
  7. Hakuta, A. et al. Anti inflammatory effect of collagen tripeptide in atopic dermatitis. Journal of dermatological science 88, 357 364 (2017).
    Pubmed CrossRef
  8. Akramienė, D., Kondrotas, A. A., Didžiapetrienė, J. & Kėvelaitis, E. Effects of ß glucans on the immune system. Medicina 43, 597 (2007).
    Pubmed CrossRef
  9. Mori, T. A. & Beilin, L. J. Omega 3 fatty acids and inflammation. Current atherosclerosis reports 6, 461 467 (2004).
    Pubmed CrossRef
  10. Noli, C., Varina, A., Barbieri, C., Pirola, A. & Olivero, D. Analysis of Intestinal Microbiota and Metabolic Pathways before and after a 2 Month Long Hydrolyzed Fish and Rice Starch Hypoallergenic Diet Trial in Pruritic Dogs. Veterinary Sciences 10, 478 (2023).
    Pubmed KoreaMed CrossRef
Dec 31, 2024 Vol.14 No.16, pp. 1.1~3.4

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