Special Article: Pharmacy Case Studies

  • Special Article: Case ReportJanuary 31, 2024

    0 324 122

    A Case Study on the Improvement of Sinusitis Using Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT)

    Pharmacist, Hey Jeong, Jeong

    CellMed 2024; 14(1): 1.1-1.3

    Objective: Report on the improvement of sinusitis through Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy.
    Methods: A Korean male in his 60s suffering from sinusitis.
    Results: Improvement observed in sinusitis after the implementation of the nutrition therapy.
    Conclusion: Nutrition therapy can be beneficial for patients suffering from sinusitis.

  • Special Article: Case ReportFebruary 29, 2024

    0 492 166

    Objective: A Case study on improvement of ICE syndrome through the use of OCNT.
    Methods: OCNT was performed on a 45-year-old Korean female who had difficulty in opening the eyes widely due to painful and xerophthalmias, and suffered inconvenience in daily life due to myodesopsia.
    Results: After the implementation of OCNT, the intraocular pressure (IOP) level was restored to normal, and the pain, dryness and myodesopsia symptoms were alleviated. This resulted in improvement in depressive symptoms and quality of life.
    Conclusion: For patients suffering from problems such as elevated intraocular pressure, myodesopsia, and xerophthalmia, OCNT can be helpful in improvement and treatment of symptoms.

  • Special Article: Case ReportJanuary 31, 2024

    0 559 145

    Objective: A case study on improvement of Meniere’s Disease through Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT).
    Methods: A Korean female in her 40s was incapable of daily living activities due to severe Ménière’s Disease symptoms. OCNT was applied and the degree of symptoms was tracked.
    Results: Symptoms of Ménière’s disease including headache and dizziness were improved after administering OCNT over approximately 4 months.
    Conclusion: Administering OCNT may help alleviate symptoms of patients suffering difficulty in daily life due to Ménière’s Disease.

  • Special Article: Case ReportFebruary 29, 2024

    0 394 150

    Objective: Study on a case of improvement of depression through the use of OCNT
    Methods: OCNT was implemented due to depression that lasted over prolonged period time on a 59-year old Korean female.
    Results: Depression gradually improved a little by little following the implementation of OCNT and symptoms improved eventually to the extent of enabling the patient to engage in internal and external activities.
    Conclusion: Application of OCNT to those suffering from depression can be helpful in alleviation of symptoms.

  • Special Article: Case ReportJanuary 31, 2024

    0 243 54

    Objective: Report on the improvement of gastritis accompanied by atypical regenerative cells through Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy.
    Methods: A Korean male in his 50s suffering from gastritis accompanied by atypical regenerative cells.
    Results: Improvement observed in gastritis accompanied by atypical regenerative cells after the implementation of the nutrition therapy.
    Conclusion: Nutrition therapy can be beneficial in alleviating symptoms of gastritis accompanied by atypical regenerative cells.

  • Special Article: Case ReportFebruary 29, 2024

    0 303 88

    Objective: A Case of improvement of hyperlipidemia through the use of OCNT.
    Methods: A Korean female in her 40s has been suffering from a wide range of symptoms due to hyperlipidemia.
    Results: Hyperlipidemia was improved following implementation of OCNT.
    Conclusion: Application of OCNT on hyperlipidemia can be helpful in alleviation of symptoms.

  • Special Article: Case ReportJanuary 31, 2024

    0 175 65

    Objective: To improve the symptoms of patients with urolithiasis and chronic dyspepsia using OCNT.
    Methods: A 60-year-old Korean male who had undergone extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy six times without natural stone removal was treated with OCNT for two weeks.
    Results: The stones were removed through adequate hydration and light exercise while undergoing OCNT.
    Conclusion: The application of OCNT in patients with urolithiasis can be beneficial in alleviating symptoms.

  • Special Article: Case ReportFebruary 29, 2024

    0 214 98

    Objective: Report of a case of improvement of hair loss through the use of OCNT.
    Methods: A 60-year old Korean male has been suffering from hair loss.
    Results: Hair loss was markedly improved following implementation of OCNT.
    Conclusion: Application of OCNT to hair loss can be helpful in alleviation of the symptoms.

Jan 31, 2025 Vol.15 No.1, pp. 1.1~4.3

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