Chapter 1. General Provisions
Article 1 (Purpose)
These research ethics regulations (hereinafter referred to as “Regulations”) are intended to prevent research misconduct or unethical behavior that may occur in periodic journals and other publications published by the CellMed Cell Modification Medicine Society (hereinafter referred to as “Society”). The purpose is to secure research ethics.
Article 2 (Definition of Terms)
① “Journal” refers to a publication with academic value, such as the CellMed journal, published regularly by the Society in accordance with its editorial regulations, etc.
② “Publication” means something produced on paper or special media with records such as researcher, publisher, date of publication, and international standard book number (ISBN or ISSN, etc.) displayed so that the contents can be understood.
③ “Researcher” or “Author” means a person who has submitted a research paper in accordance with the editorial regulations in order to publish a research paper in the academic journal under Paragraph ①, a member of an academic society, or a person who wishes to submit a paper as an editorial committee member.
④ “Research paper” means a work that summarizes and expresses his/her research results in the form of a paper submitted by the researcher in Paragraph ③ for publication in the academic journal in Paragraph ①.
⑤ “Informant” means a person who has recognized research misconduct in relation to the research paper under Paragraph ④ and has notified the Society of the recognized facts or related evidence.
⑥ “Investigator” means a person who has become the subject of investigation for research misconduct due to a report by an informant or the knowledge of the academic society, including all researchers of the research paper in Paragraph ①, or a person who is suspected of participating in research misconduct during the investigation process and is therefore subject to investigation. It means the person included.
⑦ “Editor” refers to the member of the society who is responsible for managing the overall process, such as reviewing papers submitted to the journal under paragraph ① and deciding whether to publish them.
⑧ “Reviewer” means the person responsible for evaluating the academic excellence of papers submitted to the journal under Paragraph ① and making judgments on whether or not to publish them.
Article 3 (Scope of Application)
This regulation applies to researchers under Article 2, Paragraph ③ in relation to research papers under Article 2, Paragraph ④ that are published or announced in journals under Article 2, Paragraph ① published by academic societies. However, if the Research Ethics Committee determines that a research ethics investigation pursuant to the proviso to Article 14, Paragraph ③ is necessary in relation to academic society members, the procedures of this regulation may be applied.
Article 4 (Relationship with other norms)
Matters not specified in these regulations shall follow the Guidelines for Securing Research Ethics (Ordinance of the Ministry of Education) and academic practices.
Chapter 3. Research misconduct and other unethical research practices
Article 11 (Concept and types of research misconduct)
① “Research misconduct” refers to acts of forgery and falsification, plagiarism, and unfair authorship of papers that occur during the entire research process (research proposal, research performance, reporting and presentation of research results, research review and evaluation, etc.) This refers to acts, duplicate postings, and other illegal acts.
- “Forgery” refers to the act of creating false data or research results that do not exist.
- “Falsification” refers to the act of distorting research content or results by artificially manipulating the research process or arbitrarily modifying or deleting data (here, “deletion” refers to intentionally altering data that interferes with the derivation of expected research results). refers to the act of excluding and selecting and using only advantageous data).
- “Plagiarism” refers to the act of using someone else’s work, research idea, idea, hypothesis, theory, or other research results protected under copyright law as if it were the author’s own research results or claims without proper approval or citation.
- “Unfair paper author indication” refers to the act of not granting paper authorship to a person who has made an academic contribution to research content or results without justifiable reason, or granting paper authorship to a person who has made no academic contribution.
- “Duplicate publication” refers to resubmitting and publishing a paper with completely identical or almost identical text to an already published paper to an academic journal without informing the editor or readers of the existence of the paper already published.
② In addition to research misconduct in accordance with the above regulations, the research ethics committee of the academic society may conduct research misconduct for acts that seriously deviate from the scope normally accepted in academia, undue pressure or interference with the activities of the research ethics committee, and inappropriate writing practices in Article 9. It can be judged by action.
Article 12 (Regulations on conflict of interest)
① If a conflict of interest occurs or is likely to arise for the researcher in relation to research planning, data collection, analysis, interpretation, publication, use of results, etc., the fairness of the research, the safety of research subjects, and social trust in academic research may be damaged. Therefore, researchers must manage conflicts of interest.
② Conflict of interest means a case that may have a negative impact on fair professional judgment or research performance due to any of the following reasons.
- Financial conflict of interest: Cases caused by the researcher’s financial interests related to the research.
- Interpersonal conflict of interest: Cases caused by personal relationships such as personal friendship, influence of affiliated organization, personal conflict, or research competition.
- Intellectual conflict of interest: Cases arising from religious beliefs, worldview, moral convictions, or theoretical convictions regarding a specific type or field of research.
- Conflict of interest due to role conflict: When the role of a member of the affiliated organization, such as education, volunteer work, or external activities, conflicts with research activities.
- Other conflicts of interest: Cases arising from other reasons equivalent to items 1 to 4.
③ If there is a realistic or potential possibility that a conflict of interest may arise in relation to research, researchers must disclose it in full to ensure transparency and accountability, and make every effort to ensure that it does not have a negative impact on research.
④ Researchers must specify research funding details, sponsors, affiliated organizations, and other reasons for possible conflicts of interest as stipulated in Article 12 in the research plan, and must disclose this to the academic journal when announcing research results. If necessary, research subjects must also be informed of this.
⑤ If the degree of conflict of interest is serious and there is a realistic risk of negative impact on the research, the researcher must stop the research without delay, or when continuing the research, request supervision regarding the fairness of the research from an expert group independent of the conflict of interest. shall. The principal investigator must take appropriate measures, such as exclusion from certain research stages, to ensure that the fairness of the research is not damaged by co-researchers with conflicts of interest.
Article 13 (Inappropriate Writing Behavior)
① The following acts are considered inappropriate writing practices and minor research misconduct.
- In case of inappropriate source citation
- In case of distorting references
- When citing a work that has not been read as a source
- When content is intensively borrowed from one source and the source is only partially disclosed
② Research papers written through inappropriate writing practices in Paragraph 1 cannot be published in academic journals.
③ If the article is published in an academic journal despite the inappropriate writing practices described in Paragraph 1, the publication may be canceled within 5 years from the publication date of the relevant academic journal.
Article 14 (Ethical Code Pledge)
Before conducting research and submitting a research paper, authors must self-examine and familiarize themselves with the regulations on research ethics, pledge to comply with the research ethics regulations, and submit a research ethics compliance pledge provided by the academic society.
Chapter 5. General Management Provisions
Article 18 (Budget)
Expenses incurred for the work of the Research Ethics Committee are supported by the academic society's budget.
Article 19 (Opening and Closing)
Any revision or abolition of this regulation shall be decided by the Board of Directors of the Society.
Chapter 6. Guidelines for securing research ethics
Article 20 (Measures for author information of researchers’ research works)
In accordance with the Ministry of Education's revised guidelines for securing research ethics (July 2018), the researcher's affiliation and position (author information) are accurately disclosed when presenting the researcher's research results to enhance the reliability of the research.
Article 21 (Records)
For papers published in our academic journals, a separate paper author information file is created and managed.
Article 22 (Gender Innovation Policy Submission Regulations)
① Manuscripts must distinguish between sex, which refers to biological differences, and gender, which refers to identity or mental or cultural distinctions.
② Manuscripts must report the sex, gender, or both of the research participants, and the sex of the animals or cells. You should also describe the methods used to determine sex and gender.
③ If the research targets only one sex or gender, the author must reasonably explain the reason in the manuscript, except in obvious cases (e.g. prostate cancer).
④ The author must describe the method of determining race or ethnicity and the necessity of such classification for research.
Article 23 (Guidelines for Specially Related Persons)
① In order to prevent research misconduct by co-authors of specially related persons, papers in which the researcher participated as a minor (person under 19 years of age) or family member (spouse, children, and blood relatives within the 4th degree of consanguinity) must have a clear contribution of the specially related person to the research and writing of the paper. There must be.
② For joint research papers with specially related persons, submit the ‘Pre-disclosure form when co-authoring papers with specially related persons’ when submitting the paper.
③ When the research misconduct of a co-author of a specially related person is confirmed, the fact of the research misconduct of the specially related person shall be notified to the relevant organizations (schools related to entrance and advancement, research-related institutions, etc.) where the specially related author benefited from the paper.
Article 24 (Ethics of human subjects research)
① Researchers conducting research involving humans must respect the human rights, health, and welfare of research subjects as much as possible.
② After fully explaining to research subjects the purpose and procedures of the research, expected risks, etc., their voluntary consent must be obtained.
③ Risks to research subjects must be minimized and research that seriously compromises the health and welfare of research subjects must not be conducted.
Article 25 (Deliberation by the Bioethics Review Committee)
Research on human subjects must begin after submitting a research plan to an accredited bioethics review committee and receiving approval.
Article 26 (Ethics of research on animal subjects)
① Researchers using animals must respect the health and welfare of experimental animals and conduct research in an overall scientific and ethical manner.
② Non-animal models or lower animals should be used as test subjects whenever possible, and various methods to reduce the number of subjects should be used. Animal pain and anxiety must be eliminated or minimized. Research on animals must begin after submitting a research plan to an accredited animal testing ethics committee and receiving approval.
③ At the end of research on animal subjects, animals whose experiments have ended must be euthanized in a humane manner. Carcasses of laboratory animals must be stored in accordance with the provisions of the head of each laboratory animal facility and disposed of in accordance with the infectious waste disposal standards under the ‘Waste Management Act’.
④ Regarding other matters, the relevant regulations within the ‘Animal Protection Act’ and the ‘Act on Laboratory Animals’ must be complied with.
This regulation comes into effect from July 18, 2018.
This regulation comes into effect from June 30, 2020.
This regulation comes into effect from March 30, 2021.